Api Components

A trustworthy backend

With all the capabilities of neoan3, using the framework as a pure backend has been the most common use case. As production ready, testable development of APIs is possible within the same time as scaffolding and mocking would take, it is clear why this use-case is so popular. As all functional restrictions and assumptions have already been presented in API routing, we want to present some common examples here.

Restricting access


        //... in api component "post", assuming the use of JwtWrapper provider as "auth"
        // define update endpoint
        function putPost($body)
            // throw a 401 authenticated response when no valid authentication is present
            // otherwise, assign the json web token content to $jwt
            $jwt = $this->provider['auth']->restrict();

            $model = $this->loadModel(PostModel::class);
            // check if currently authenticated user is the owner of the post
            if($model::get($body['id'])['user_id'] !== $jwt->getUserId()){
                throw new RouteException('no permission to edit this entry', 401);
            // all checks ok? Then update post
            return $model::update($body);


        //... in api component "post", assuming the use of JwtWrapper provider as "auth"
        // define update endpoint

        // throw a 401 authenticated response when no valid authentication is present
        // otherwise, assign the json web token content to the frame's $auth


        // initialize model

        function putPost($body)
            // check if currently authenticated user is the owner of the post
            if(PostModel::get($body['id'])['user_id'] !== $this->auth->getUserId()){
                throw new RouteException('no permission to edit this entry', 401);
            // all checks ok? Then update post
            return PostModel::update($body);

Using parameters conditionally


        function getPost($id = null, $search = [])
            $model = $this->loadModel(PostModel::class);

            // reacting to e.g. /api.v1/post/123ABC123ABC
                return $model::get($id);

            // reacting to e.g. /api.v1/post?slug=my-post
            return $model::find($search);


        function getPost($id = null, $search = [])
            // reacting to e.g. /api.v1/post/123ABC123ABC
                return PostModel::get($id);
            // reacting to e.g. /api.v1/post?slug=my-post
            return PostModel::find($search);